Lavrov accused the European Union and the US of appropriating the success in achieving a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the European Union and the United States of exaggerating their contribution to achieving peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan here.
“Apparently, Armenia and Azerbaijan have actually agreed on the peace treaty and it's clear that bypassing the remaining two issues is difficult. We need to decide: yes or no. And then the European Commission and the European Union start saying again, “we are now coming to help you.” In fact, where to sign the document - is a sovereign decision of Azerbaijan and Armenia. But the attempts of Brussels and Washington to seem as though they have contributed shows once more their desire to demonstrate who is in charge,” said Lavrov.
According to Lavrov's words, it is inevitable that the countries of the South Caucasus region will reach a stage where they have to solve all their problems with their immediate neighbors themselves. Currently, this approach is supported by Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Iran, said the Russian minister.
Abdulloh Sayyid