Drug traffickers were sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment. This was reported to darakchi.uz by law enforcement authorities.
It has been reported that, under the instruction of an individual whose case has been separately initiated, D.A., residing in the Urgut district of the Samarkand region, born in 2005, went to Panjakent district of Sughd region in the Republic of Tajikistan and paid 20,000 US dollars for 20 kg 747 gr. of "opium", which had been previously agreed to be purchased for 100,000 US dollars.
Then, mentioning that the narcotic drug had to be delivered to a location close to the "Uzbek-Tajik" state border, he returns to Uzbekistan.
A day later, D.A., along with his criminal partner, a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan, born in 1995, S.M., goes via roundabout routes to the Panjakent district and receives the 20 kg 747 gr. of "opium" narcotic drug delivered by narcocouriers at the agreed location, and is arrested while returning to the territory of Uzbekistan.
In the course of the criminal case initiated regarding this incident, it was discovered that J.R., residing in the Urgut district, born in 1992, was also involved in this illegal activity.
The Urgut district court on criminal cases found citizens D.A. and S.M. guilty of committing crimes envisioned by articles 25,273, 223, and 246 of the Criminal Code, sentencing each of them to 16 years and 6 months, while citizen J.R. was found guilty according to articles 28,25,273, and 28,246 of the Criminal Code, and sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment.