Reports about a 2-month-old baby's hands being amputated due to incorrect treatment by medical staff have spread on social media.
The Ministry of Health made the following announcement regarding this incident.
It was determined that on December 9, 2024, around 15:30, a girl born in 2024, H.J., residing in the Shaykhontohur district of our capital, was brought to the Tashkent City 1st Children's Clinical Hospital by her parents with complaints of elevated body temperature, cough, wheezing, shivering, restlessness, and weakness.
The patient was immediately examined by the on-duty doctor, N. Sultanova.
During the preliminary examination, she was diagnosed with “Community-acquired pneumonia.” The patient's condition was assessed as severe by the doctors, and she was immediately hospitalized in the department for newborns and premature infants .
Additionally, following further and clinical medical examinations conducted by specialists in narrow fields such as a hematologist, angiosurgeon, pediatric surgeon, neonatal surgeon, the patient was diagnosed with the main diagnosis of “Sepsis. Septicemia. Community-acquired pneumonia of Covid-19 etiology” and the disease “Congenital heart defect - interatrial septal defect” and its complication of “Respiratory failure grade 1-2. Cardiovascular insufficiency grade 1-2.”
During treatment at the facility, the girl was observed to have “Left-sided shoulder artery thromboembolism. Acute 3rd degree circulatory disorder in the left arm and left palm, polyorgan failure.”
Therefore, in order to save the patient's life, a decision was made to proceed with amputation, which was carried out with the consent of the parents. Currently, the condition of the baby is stable.
At the moment, this case is fully under the control of the Ministry of Health, and an internal investigation is being conducted to clarify the situation.
Additional information will be provided to the public based on the final conclusions.