
Urgench International Airport will open two days earlier than scheduled.

The comprehensive repair of the runway was completed ahead of the scheduled deadline.

Image of 'Urgench International Airport will open two days earlier than scheduled.'

The Urgench international airport will open two days earlier than planned due to the early completion of designated construction and repair works. This was reported by the Uzbekistan Airports press service here.

The airport will resume its operations on August 5th at 11:00 AM.

During this period, the runway with a length of 3000 meters and a width of 45 meters has had its surface replaced and reinforced, and both the second and third taxiways have been completely repaired.

"This allows the airport to accommodate wide-body aircraft such as the Boeing 787 and Airbus A330 without restrictions, and in turn, increases the number of flights to Urgench and the flow of passengers," the report states.

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