
In Bostanliq, a Damas hit a 6-year-old child.

The child, having sustained various bodily injuries, has been hospitalized at the district central hospital.

Image of 'In Bostanliq, a Damas hit a 6-year-old child.'

The Press Service of the Traffic Safety Department of the Tashkent Region Police Department reported on the traffic accident that occurred in the Bostanlik district here.

According to the report, at approximately 13:10 on July 27, 2024, near the 14th kilometer of the 4P10 "Chorbagh Water Reservoir Ring Road" in the Bostanlik district of the Tashkent region, the driver, Z.M., born in 1999 and resident of the Yangiyul district, hit a pedestrian while driving. The pedestrian, a minor born in 2018 and residing in the Chinoz district, was crossing the road from the left to the right side.

As a result of this road traffic accident, the pedestrian was hospitalized with various injuries at the district central hospital.

Currently, investigative activities are being carried out by the Bostanlik District Police Department.

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