
The risk of flooding was declared in 6 regions.

Citizens and vacationers residing in mountainous areas are requested to take precautionary measures.

Image of 'The risk of flooding was declared in 6 regions.'

"Uzhydromet" warns of the risk of flooding in the foothill and mountainous areas of the republic due to the expected rainfall on August 18-19 of this year.


Qashqadaryo region:

in the districts of Yakkabog, Dehqonobod, Chiroqchi, Kitob, Shahrisabz, Qamashi, and Ghuzor;

Samarkand region:

in the districts of Urgut, Samarkand, Bulungur, Nurobod, Qo'shrabot, Kattaqo'rg'on, Payariq, Jomboy, and Ishtikhon;

Jizzakh region:

in the districts of Zomin, Bakhmal, Gallaorol, Sharof Rashidov, Forish, and Yangiobod;

Tashkent region:

in the districts of Ohangaron, Bostanliq, Parkent, Piskent, Urtachirchiq, Yukorichirchiq, and the cities of Angren, Olmaliq;

Namangan region:

in the districts of Pop, Kosonsoy, Chortoq, Chust, Namangan, and Yangiqo'rg'on;

Fergana region:

in the districts of So'x, Shohimardon, Fergana, Beshariq;

Andijan region:

in the districts of Andijan, Asaka, Jalalqduq, Qo'rg'ontepa, Paxtaobod, Izboskan, Xo'jaobod, Marhamat, and the city of Khanabad, where mudflow and flood events may occur.

Citizens residing in the foothill and mountainous areas, visitors, and drivers moving through the mountainous areas are asked to take precautionary measures.

There is a possibility of rainfall accumulation throughout the republic's territory, which can lead to area flooding, the report says.

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