
How does the body cleanse itself of toxins?

Recommendations from an expert on the three stages of natural detoxification that the body must efficiently perform, considering the toxic burden of modern life.

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One of the currently popular terms is “detox”, which refers to the process of eliminating toxins that have accumulated in our body as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, environmental impacts, and other factors. It is said to be very important for our overall health and condition, according to a report from the Ministry of Health's Press Service.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Dilafrooz Abdullaeva provided detailed information on this.

— Approximately eight hours after the last meal, the processes of digestion and absorption end in the body and our body switches to the detoxification mode, — the specialist says.

— Currently, the term “detox” is associated with cleansing the body through various juices, but in fact, it is a biological process activated by our body using the nutrients in our diet to eliminate toxins.

Our body has many detoxification organs such as the liver, kidneys, skin, and large intestine. Considering the toxic load of modern life, there are three stages of natural cleansing that the body must efficiently perform.

First stage. This stage of detoxification takes place in the liver. It helps convert harmful, fat-soluble molecules into less harmful compounds, making them easier to be eliminated from the body.

Second stage. It also occurs in the liver and involves the conjugation process. The substances become water-soluble and therefore less harmful. Subsequently, these substances are eliminated through the kidneys and intestines by urine and bile.

Third stage. Here, toxins or unnecessary compounds are expelled from the cell through detoxification organs: intestines, kidneys, lungs, and skin.

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can ensure the efficient functioning of this system.

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