
"Uzagroinspeksiya" has been transferred to government jurisdiction.

A Presidential Decree on this matter was adopted.

Image of '"Uzagroinspeksiya" has been transferred to government jurisdiction.'

“On additional measures to further improve the state control system in the agro-industrial complex” a Presidential Decree was adopted. The Ministry of Justice reported this.

According to the Decree, the Inspecting Authority for Oversight of the Agro-industrial Complex (Uzagroinspection) was transferred under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

The following additional tasks were assigned to Uzagroinspection:

  • control over accounting for natural losses in the process of receiving, storing, and loading wheat to buyers;
  • control over the certification process for wheat quality indicators (compliance certificate) and wheat classes (quality certificate) during the processes of receiving and selling wheat purchased from wheat producers, according to standard requirements;
  • identification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in imported agricultural crops' seeds and seedling materials;
  • control over the technical condition of agricultural, reclamation, and road construction machinery in all enterprises, institutions, and organizations, the effectiveness of their operation, as well as the quality of service and repair services, and mandatory and periodic testing of agricultural machinery and technologies;
  • full digitalization of the processes of state control and reporting in the sector.

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