“KfW” Bank (The Federal Republic of Germany) has launched the “Improving the Quality of Medical Services in the Aral Sea Region” project, as detailed in the Presidential Decree (PQ-18-number, dated 22.01.2025). This was announced by the Ministry of Justice.
According to the decree, the following have been approved for the “Improving the Quality of Medical Services in the Aral Sea Region” project:
the project's main technical and economic indicators;
a repayment schedule for loans from the “KfW” Bank, including a forecast of additional fees and interest within the scope of project implementation;
the distribution of medical equipment to be purchased for healthcare institutions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region;
the distribution by regions of specially purchased motor vehicles.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for timely implementation and coordination of the project, and for targeted and efficient use of grants.
The “Procurement Center” state institution under the Ministry of Health is designated as the contracting entity responsible for receiving goods under contracts made within the project implementation scope.
The Ministry of Justice will provide legal opinions on loan and grant agreements signed between Uzbekistan and the “KfW” bank.