
In Samarkand, a truck carrying 2 tons of meat unfit for consumption was detected.

The products were destroyed in the prescribed manner.

Image of 'In Samarkand, a truck carrying 2 tons of meat unfit for consumption was detected.'

2 tons of meat being brought to the Samarkand region were destroyed. The regional MIA Traffic Safety Department reported this.

From the night of February 14 to February 15, 2025, a Shineray T30 vehicle moving in the direction of Namangan-Samarkand was stopped at the “Higher Point” traffic police station in the Bulungur district of the Samarkand region.

During the inspection, it was discovered that the vehicle, driven by a driver born in 1997, contained 2 tons of beef in its cargo area. When the meat products were examined at the Samarkand regional center for the diagnosis of animal diseases and food safety, they were confirmed to be unfit for consumption.

The discovered products were destroyed in an established order.

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