
The student Feruza Karimova was fined almost 40 million soms.

The reader will pay compensation to the poet for using the poem without permission.

Image of 'The student Feruza Karimova was fined almost 40 million soms.'

Poet M.Ahrorova expressed dissatisfaction that her authorial poem "I Want to Complain About Your Hand" was used without permission by performer F.Karimova in the song titled "From Your Hand".

Subsequently, she filed a lawsuit against the performer for compensation and moral damages.

At the request of the court, responsible officers from the Ministry of Justice participated in the court session as specialists and provided a legal assessment of the situation, reported by the Department of Intellectual Property.

During the court session, it was revealed that performer F.Karimova violated the copyright of poet M.Ahrorova's poem titled "I Want to Complain About Your Hand" in performing and bringing to the attention of the public her song "From Your Hand".

In accordance with the relevant court decision, the performer F.Karimova was ordered to pay compensatory damages in the amount of 100 times the Basic Calculation Value, which is 37,500,000 UZS, and moral damages of 5,000,000 UZS, in favor of poet M.Ahrorova.

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