
In Tashkent, a group of young men stole a truck.

An investigation has been initiated regarding the situation.

Image of 'In Tashkent, a group of young men stole a truck.'

Individuals committing theft in Tashkent were caught at the scene. The regional Department of Internal Affairs press service  reported this.

It was noted that at around 02:35 AM, in the "Ulughbek" neighborhood of Angren city, suspicious activities of 4 individuals near the parked freight vehicles were observed by the patrol-post service officers of the Department of Internal Affairs serving in that area.

As a result, it was discovered that 4 individuals, aged between 21 and 38, had stealthily removed 2 catalytic converters (spare parts) from a truck. The spare parts were documented as physical evidence.

A criminal case has been initiated against the accused individuals under Article 169 Part 2 "g" of the Criminal Code.

Investigative actions are being carried out.

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