
The grand ceremony dedicated to the opening of the 88th concert season of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic took place.

A number of creative individuals who have worked diligently were awarded the "Cultural and Art Devotee" badge.

Image of 'The grand ceremony dedicated to the opening of the 88th concert season of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic took place.'

The solemn ceremony dedicated to the opening of the 88th concert season of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic was held.  A reporter from prepared a report on this. 

The unforgettable opening of the concert season with the participation of all creative teams of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic, as well as the ceremony of solemnly awarding creators who showed activity throughout the year, took place at the “People's Friendship” Palace of Arts in our capital. The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov participated, congratulated the philharmonic team on the opening of the new season and awarded a number of creators with the “Devoted to Culture and Art” badge

A fascinating video filled with interesting information about the 88 years of activity of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic was shown at the beginning of the concert. It reflected the creative processes from the establishment of the institution in 1936 to the present day, the activities of art giants, and changes in the field.

Afterwards, fans were presented with an interesting concert program involving creative teams. During the program, Anvar Tojiboyev, the Director General of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic, along with a number of art giants, solemnly awarded team representatives and creators who had been active throughout the year with Philharmonic statuettes and special diplomas.   

During the concert program, People's Artists of Uzbekistan Farrukh Zakirov, Gulomjon Yoqubov, Mansur Toshmatov, Jenisbek Piyazov, Honored Artists of Uzbekistan G'iyos Boytoev, Dilfuza Rahimova, Anvar G'aniev, Abdulla Shomag'rupov, Ma'suma Boltaboeva, singers Sardor Mamadaliyev, Feruza Ochilova, Dilmurod Otajonov, Rasul Abdullaev, and other performers delighted the fans with their songs. 

Thus, the 88th concert season of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic was opened. 
By taking advantage of the created opportunities, the Philharmonic team is ready to delight you, dear fans, during the 88th season, and to promote Uzbek culture and arts around the world. 

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